Sunday, August 31, 2014

Starting week three of POC!!

We are starting week three of our Pacific Orientation Course training.  I wish I could say all is well, but the last 8 days have shown some new challenges.  Elisa continued to spike fevers to 103.7 for about a week.  She now has only a wet-sounding cough, but is still being kept out of school until this improves.  Three days ago she spread it to Amelie who was playing outside one minute, and 30 minutes later she was lying on a mat on the ground complaining of a headache and a mild cough.  Her temperature revealed a fever of 101.7.  Miraculously within 24 hours she improved and was back in school this morning.  You go girl!!!

Because of Elisa’s absence from school, either Jenny or myself would have to miss lessons which has affected my learning of Tok Pisin to some degree.  Fortunately (or unfortunately) we found someone to watch Eli this afternoon so we both can enjoy the vigorous hike they have planned for us.  Luckily I'll have my phone to shoot photos since the other camera is getting "freeze-dried".

Last week Friday and Saturday, we were tasked with building a shelter and a table/bench to use for cooking our weekend meals starting next weekend.  This is to further prepare us for our village living.



Yesterday both girls felt good enough to take the weekly trip off-center to go snorkeling at the Madang coast.  I took our Nikon water camera (which is rated to 33ft max depth) to below 50 feet.  It didn’t like that very much and now sits in a bag of rice trying to dry it out… bad daddy.  It was awesome snorkeling down that far!  It’s hard clearing my ears descending rapidly, but coming back up is a blast.  Next weekend I may rig up a device to see exactly how far down I can go.
Amelie climbed a tree and needed a little coaxing to jump out to the water below, but too many eyes were on her to chicken out, so she finally took the plunge.  Then it was right back into the tree again…

Please pray for the health of our family.  When Ami started spiking a fever, it hit Jenny pretty hard.  We've lost a lot of sleep at night interceding for hours over the girls.  Thanks for your continued support and prayers... 


  1. Praying! Glad the girls are feeling better! Love the pic of Ami jumping in the water... It looks beautiful

  2. Good to know the girls are well. Tom, you have a great photographer's eye - really enjoying your pictures. Both the pace of life and the "botanical garden" you're showing us look like paradise. We all enjoyed your video address shown the last two Sundays at Lifeway, it was like you were home visiting, and your contagious smile was with us. Know that you are missed but also that we are proud of you and your family for showing the rest of us how to answer God's call on your heart. May God continue to richly bless you!
